Welcome to Seasonality

Thank you for taking the time to read through what is essentially my open diary. I know that this secret tunnel into my life will remain mostly unheard, so if you’re lucky enough to be reading this – hi.

I do appreciate you reading my thoughts, whether I’m talking about my favourite recipes or mental health. Feel free to get in touch with me by dropping me a message on Instagram.

Latest Posts –

Bisexuality || The Toxicity of ‘Wanting’ What You Don’t Have

This is just a thought piece and is not intended to come across as an attack. It is only what I have noted when I have observed this. I’d love to hear any differing opinions in the comments – There has long been a stereotype around bisexuality that we are “greedy”, purely based on the…

Meeting Someone in VRChat || Online Dating

***I APOLOGISE FOR THE LENGTH OF THIS POST*** Growing up, the idea of virtual reality was something that was often referenced in Sci-Fi and was really incredibly futuristic; almost in the same category as flying cars and robots. When the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive finally launched in 2016, I knew that I had to…

After Taking a Break.

I remember when I first came to creating this blog; I used it (briefly) as a creative outlet with the intent of giving my life some meaning, for once. For a short time, it truly became my entire existence. I found a reason to start cooking for myself again, taking care of my body, and…